Let Her Breakup with You?
August 26, 2011 by admin
Filed under Relationship Advice for Men
It is a common reaction to try and prevent a break up before it is official. After all, if you still love your girlfriend then why would you want to see them leave? But believe it not, it can sometimes be easier to let your Ex GF walk away and try to repair things later
Was Your Ex Girlfriend a Hunter or a Gardener?
August 26, 2011 by admin
Filed under Relationship Advice for Men
You have probably heard others use the term “comfort zone” to describe repeated activities and situations that make us feel confident about ourselves. Knowing your limits, both socially and physically, is important to ensure happiness but it can have adverse effects as well. If you feel like your ex girlfriend broke up with you to “move on” with her life then perhaps your comfort zone killed the relationship.
Why Did Your Ex Girlfriend Date You?
August 26, 2011 by admin
Filed under Relationship Advice for Men
The most important part of getting your ex back is creating attraction between you. That being said, this can also be the most difficult task since it requires creativity and planning.
Tips to Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back If He Has a New Girlfriend
August 9, 2011 by admin
Filed under Relationship Advice for Women
Just because your ex boyfriend is dating someone new doesn’t mean all hope is lost for getting back together. For starters, rebound relationships rarely last because they are based almost exclusively on looks or lust.
A Great Quote for Solving Breakups
December 15, 2010 by aperio
Filed under Relationship Advice for Women
This short video by Michael Griswold discusses one of the best quotes to refer to when trying to get your boyfriend back. It exposes what we all need from any relationship in order to feel connected to our partner. I think it will change how many of you view your own situation..
The Long-Distance Relationship Guide: Advice for the Geographically Challenged [Bargain Price] (Paperback)
April 22, 2010 by admin
Filed under Relationship Books
Review “…a handy pocket book bursting with idiosyncratic advice about long-distance relationships (LDRs)from leaving pets home to web-cam communication…” — The Pennsylvania Gazette”…clever, funny and full of insightful advice…” — Rocky Mountain News”…full of practical advice, much of it culled from interviews with military and truckers’ spouses–true LDR veterans…” — Salt Lake Tribune –This text [...]
Compliment Your Ex Girlfriend
April 21, 2010 by admin
Filed under Relationship Advice for Men
Sometimes it is the simple things that can go a long way to getting your ex girlfriend back , and one example of this is complimenting them.
Don’t Bother with Revenge
April 21, 2010 by aperio
Filed under Relationship Advice for Men
Trying to get revenge on an ex girlfriend will never do any good for you or anyone else. You may think that it is the only way to get over her but it is not.
Getting Your Foot in the Door
April 21, 2010 by admin
Filed under Relationship Advice for Men
Once you are talking to your ex-girlfriend again, you will have an opportunity to demonstrate your best qualities. Instead of trying to rekindle things with her, I recommend that you show exactly how much fun you can provide her.
Attract Her Back with the Real You
April 21, 2010 by admin
Filed under Relationship Advice for Men
Desperation is a natural reaction when your girlfriend breaks up with you. You might feel a sense of panic which leads to trying everything you can to get her back.