Wednesday, February 19, 2025

How Video Games Can Get Your Ex GF Back

September 4, 2011 by  
Filed under Relationship Advice for Men

A thought occurred to me the other day while shopping at GameStop. There are a lot of similarities between video games and how an ex girlfriend feels about her previous relationship. Think about some of the biggest franchises in the video game world: Madden Football, Call of Duty, Halo, etc.

Why Did Your Ex Girlfriend Date You?

August 26, 2011 by  
Filed under Relationship Advice for Men

The most important part of getting your ex back is creating attraction between you. That being said, this can also be the most difficult task since it requires creativity and planning.

The 2 Sides of Arguing with Your Ex

August 26, 2011 by  
Filed under Relationship Advice for Men

Although break ups happen for a variety of different reasons, there is usually a core disagreement that brings on the tidal wave of strong emotions. It might be about money, time spent together, or even commitment

Help Your Ex Girlfriend Choose You

August 26, 2011 by  
Filed under Relationship Advice for Men

Throughout the subject of getting your ex girlfriend back there is a common link to all of the strategies and advice given here. That is, to make the dream of winning back her love a reality, it must be her who chooses you. Sure you might get lucky and beg your way back for a second chance

Understand That Girlfriends and Relationships Change

August 25, 2011 by  
Filed under Relationship Advice for Men

There are countless reasons why a breakup can occur, but a common denominator you see in long term relationships is change. As life goes on you and your ex girlfriend go through many changes. Maybe you met in high school and now she is in college

How to Make Your Ex Girlfriend Miss You Like Crazy

August 25, 2011 by  
Filed under Relationship Advice for Men

Does she even notice you’re not around anymore? It probably doesn’t seem like it since she doesn’t call or see you much. But inside her mind I can tell you that she still thinks about you

What Does Your Ex Girlfriend Want in a Man?

August 25, 2011 by  
Filed under Relationship Advice for Men

The simple truth behind your ex girlfriend leaving was that she wasn’t getting what she wanted from your relationship. Sure there are many different excuses she might have used to breakup with you, but in the end no one leaves a relationship they are satisfied with. One easy way to identify your short-comings is to look at the things most women want from a man

What Does Your Ex Girlfriend Want in a Man?

August 25, 2011 by  
Filed under Relationship Advice for Men

The simple truth behind your ex girlfriend leaving was that she wasn’t getting what she wanted from your relationship. Sure there are many different excuses she might have used to breakup with you, but in the end no one leaves a relationship they are satisfied with. One easy way to identify your short-comings is to look at the things most women want from a man

Your Breakup Was a Warning

August 25, 2011 by  
Filed under Relationship Advice for Men

Instead of taking the standard approach of depression and despair after being dumped, you should distinguish yourself by accepting it as a challenge. Not only will this help motivate you on the way to getting your ex girlfriend back, but you might just spark her attraction by showing her that you got the message loud and clear

When Your Ex Girlfriend Loves Both of You

April 20, 2010 by  
Filed under Relationship Advice for Men

Are you playing the role of safety net? Has your ex girlfriend severed your public relationship but kept you hanging with sweet whispers? It is easy to get sucked into this game