Earn the Trust of Your Ex Girlfriend
April 2, 2012 by aperio
Filed under Relationship Advice for Men
Once you start talking to your ex girlfriend again you should be careful not to slip into some of your old bad habits.
Be Prepared for Her Meltdown
February 1, 2012 by admin
Filed under Relationship Advice for Men
There are two ways your ex girlfriend’s new relationship can go – happily ever after or a return to ashes. Believe it or not, the latter is more likely
Stop Trying to Control Your Ex Girlfriend
August 26, 2011 by admin
Filed under Relationship Advice for Men
Are you really giving your ex girlfriend enough space after your break up? Do you call or text her everyday? Are you always posting on her facebook page or checking up on her through friends
How to Approach Your Ex Boyfriend
September 3, 2010 by aperio
Filed under Relationship Advice for Women
One of the most awkward moments after a break up is the first time you see your ex boyfriend. Your mind is racing with questions like…what should I do?…what do I say? Being uncertain is totally normal, but at some point you will have to challenge your anxieties if you are going to win him back.
Contacting Your Ex Girlfriend
April 20, 2010 by admin
Filed under Relationship Advice for Men
When you first try to contact your girlfriend after a break up, you need to have a strategy of what you are going to say. Simply picking up the phone and hoping for the best will most likely lead to regret.
Confidence is Key
April 20, 2010 by admin
Filed under Relationship Advice for Men
Trying to win back love requires a good game plan, but is also requires a sense of confidence. Even the most detailed strategy will do you no good if you fail to carry it out. Most people recognize some of the reasons why their ex left them
Should You Date If You Still Love Her?
April 20, 2010 by admin
Filed under Relationship Advice for Men
One of the hardest decisions to make after a break up is if you should date other people. You might be worried that this will send the wrong signal to your ex girlfriend. This is a natural reaction, but you should accept your break up for what it is.
Staying Positive
April 20, 2010 by aperio
Filed under Relationship Advice for Men
It can be so easy to stay depressed after a break up. Your friends and family members all feel sorry for you and the extra attention can be comforting.
Why Did She Leave You?
April 20, 2010 by aperio
Filed under Relationship Advice for Men
The most overwhelming feeling after you have been dumped is helplessness. Many guys are completely confused as to why they were dumped, and this leads to frustration and low self-esteem. These feelings create a panic mode where they do stupid things to try and get their ex back.
Nothing is Impossible
September 24, 2008 by admin
Filed under Relationship Advice for Women
Negative thoughts can take control of your mind after a break up. It is hard to come to grips with the reality that your boyfriend left you, and this can take a toll on your confidence.