Should You Date If You Still Love Her?
April 20, 2010 by admin
Filed under Relationship Advice for Men
One of the hardest decisions to make after a break up is if you should date other people. You might be worried that this will send the wrong signal to your ex girlfriend. This is a natural reaction, but you should accept your break up for what it is. You are both single now and life does go on. That being said, here are some tips for dating again when you still love your ex girlfriend.
Be Honest
You should always tell your date up front that you are still getting over a relationship. This should be done by the end of the first date if you plan on seeing them again. You don’t want to get caught in a web of lies, and being honest about it upfront will relieve you of the responsibility.
You Can Still See Your Ex
Taking care of the honesty part will leave the door open for you to reunite with your ex if the opportunity arises. This means you can still talk to them on the phone or meet them out for lunch. One thing you want to be careful of though is the “friends talk”. If you really want her back, then keep things romantic. Otherwise it will spiral into a friendship.
Don’t Waste Time with a Trophy Girl
Going out with another girl just to make your ex jealous will probably end up being a big waste off time. You might get your ex’s attention, but the time and effort you put into to dating and playing games will leave you wondering if it was worth it. It is fine if you meet a girl who is fun to be with, but don’t look to date the hottest girl just to show her off. All this does is send the wrong message to your ex.
You can date after a break up, even if you are still in love. But the key is to be honest with everyone, and do it only because you want to. Anything else will be more trouble than it is worth, especially if you want to get your ex back.
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Should You Date If You Still Love Her?