Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Getting Past the Jerk

January 12, 2012 by  
Filed under Relationship Advice for Women

Some of you ladies have opted for the most difficult of journeys…trying to win back an ex who is a jerk. Now I know most of you say “he only acts that way around his friends.” Okay fine, whatever floats your boat. I’m not here to criticize. In fact, today we are going to discuss how to get past this rudeness and touch his inner emotions.

Here are my favorite angles for defusing these situations…

Laugh Along
This is probably the least preferred but it really can lower his guard. If he wants to look cool around his friends then just let him. When the jokes start flying laugh right along with them. Want to take it to another level? Add to the fun by making fun of yourself. Over time this technique will eliminate the “challenge” of putting you down. Obviously this is not for the easily-offended but if you can’t beat ‘em then join ‘em.

Conversation Bombs
No matter how long you dated your ex-boyfriend you likely have some dirt on them. The next time they play the jerk card consider throwing stones right back at them. How does this help you get back together? You might be surprised at the results. One of the big reasons people breakup is because one person is bored with the other. Showing a little spunk can be just the ticket for sparking an attraction.

One of the oldest tricks in the book for getting an ex back is what they call “no contact.” The theory here is your ex will never miss you if you are always around. If you don’t like the way they are treating you then a vacation from your ex might be the best solution. If you go this route then you must commit to it. No phone calls, no emails, no contact. In a perfect situation your ex will reach out to you after they’ve had time to reflect on their bad behavior.

Good Luck – Elliot

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Getting Past the Jerk

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