Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Finding Secrets to Get Your BF Back

December 10, 2010 by  
Filed under Relationship Advice for Women

Within most of the articles on this blog I preach the importance of creating attraction to get your ex boyfriend back. Some of you though miss the easy part of this advice. You don’t have to search the internet for ways to attract men in order to succeed. In most cases the creative ideas you seek are already in your mind.

You see, at some point in the past you have already proved successful in attracting your ex. This is how your relationship began. Of course only you know what that magical formula was back then, but it shouldn’t be too hard to figure out. In many cases there was a physical attraction that got the ball rolling, and yet this was likely not the only contributor. At some point you had a conversation, went out on dates, etc. What was it about those moments that was so special?

Go ahead and make yourself a list of things you think your ex bf liked about you. It can be anything from the way you smelled to your favorite television shows. When you are finished, stare at that list until you can think of ways to lure him back into your life. And I’m not talking about falling in love. Start with baby steps…try to get him on the phone for starters!

Now the last thing you need to do with your list is be honest with yourself. Are there some things he liked that have changed in the recent past? If so, then you need to try and fix those. The power of attraction can be hard to control. Your goal should be to bring as many good things from the past back into your current life.

Last but not least, don’t forget to keep him guessing. Attraction is always stronger for things we cannot have or don’t understand. There has to be a mysterious new element involved to really grab your ex’s attention. This isn’t always easy to define, but no one knows your ex bf like you do!

See the original post here:
Finding Secrets to Get Your BF Back

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