My Best Ex Boyfriend Advice
September 5, 2012 by aperio
Filed under Relationship Advice for Women
I have covered a lot of different angles on why boyfriends leave and what you can do to win them back. With so many tips fragmented across different posts, I thought it would be helpful to include a summary of my favorites.
All Breakup Excuses are Lies!
May 2, 2012 by aperio
Filed under Relationship Advice for Women
Anyone who has had their heart broken knows the breakup excuses I am talking about…
Yes, Your Ex Boyfriend Follows Your Social Profile
April 2, 2012 by aperio
Filed under Relationship Advice for Women
I am surprised by the number of women who treat their facebook and twitter accounts like a poster of desperation after getting dumped. Not only do those psycho-desperate-needy updates scare your ex away, but they also make your friends think twice before calling you back. Here’s the deal..
How to Start a Conversation with Your Ex BF
February 29, 2012 by admin
Filed under Relationship Advice for Women
Figuring out what to say to your ex boyfriend is not always easy.
3 Things Your Ex Boyfriend is Looking For
February 2, 2012 by admin
Filed under Relationship Advice for Women
The fast track to fixing a breakup is to use a simple “has vs needs” approach. The concept is to identify what your boyfriend needs in a girl and compare that to what you provided him.
Getting Past the Jerk
January 12, 2012 by admin
Filed under Relationship Advice for Women
Some of you ladies have opted for the most difficult of journeys…trying to win back an ex who is a jerk. Now I know most of you say “he only acts that way around his friends.” Okay fine, whatever floats your boat
How to Embrace Your Breakup
November 8, 2011 by admin
Filed under Relationship Advice for Women
No one needs to make a list on the ways a breakup sucks, but what if you looked in the opposite direction? As hard as this time can be it is still your life and you need to cherish every day of it
The Real Secret to Making Your Ex Boyfriend Want You
October 7, 2011 by aperio
Filed under Relationship Advice for Women
With all of the advice I’ve given over the years it is funny how easy it can be to overlook the simplicity of human relationships.
Can You Handle Your Ex Boyfriend’s Affair?
September 4, 2011 by admin
Filed under Relationship Advice for Women
While this blog focuses on getting back with your ex boyfriend it is important to note that not all situations will be ideal. For some of you this means accepting the fact that your ex bf has been with someone else since you broke up. This might not affect your desire to win them back, but you really should think about how this changes your feeling towards him.
Tips to Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back If He Has a New Girlfriend
August 9, 2011 by admin
Filed under Relationship Advice for Women
Just because your ex boyfriend is dating someone new doesn’t mean all hope is lost for getting back together. For starters, rebound relationships rarely last because they are based almost exclusively on looks or lust.