Was Your Ex Girlfriend a Hunter or a Gardener?
August 26, 2011 by admin
Filed under Relationship Advice for Men
You have probably heard others use the term “comfort zone” to describe repeated activities and situations that make us feel confident about ourselves. Knowing your limits, both socially and physically, is important to ensure happiness but it can have adverse effects as well. If you feel like your ex girlfriend broke up with you to “move on” with her life then perhaps your comfort zone killed the relationship.
Stop Trying to Control Your Ex Girlfriend
August 26, 2011 by admin
Filed under Relationship Advice for Men
Are you really giving your ex girlfriend enough space after your break up? Do you call or text her everyday? Are you always posting on her facebook page or checking up on her through friends
Win Her Back from Another Guy
August 26, 2011 by admin
Filed under Relationship Advice for Men
Competition can definitely add stress to the dating game, but if you really love your ex girlfriend than competition should bring out the best in you. If you know she has found another guy then you should be prepared to work a little harder to win her back. But in the end it really does not change anything about your situation
How to Compliment Your Ex Girlfriend
August 26, 2011 by admin
Filed under Relationship Advice for Men
An easy way to start a conversation with your ex girlfriend is to give her a compliment.
Why Did Your Ex Girlfriend Date You?
August 26, 2011 by admin
Filed under Relationship Advice for Men
The most important part of getting your ex back is creating attraction between you. That being said, this can also be the most difficult task since it requires creativity and planning.
Do You Really Need Your Ex Girlfriend?
August 26, 2011 by aperio
Filed under Relationship Advice for Men
Understanding why you want your ex girlfriend back is an important step in the process of getting back together. Many guys fail at this and end up chasing their ex down the wrong path
The 2 Sides of Arguing with Your Ex
August 26, 2011 by aperio
Filed under Relationship Advice for Men
Although break ups happen for a variety of different reasons, there is usually a core disagreement that brings on the tidal wave of strong emotions. It might be about money, time spent together, or even commitment
Help Your Ex Girlfriend Choose You
August 26, 2011 by aperio
Filed under Relationship Advice for Men
Throughout the subject of getting your ex girlfriend back there is a common link to all of the strategies and advice given here. That is, to make the dream of winning back her love a reality, it must be her who chooses you. Sure you might get lucky and beg your way back for a second chance
How to Make Your Ex Girlfriend Miss You Like Crazy
August 25, 2011 by aperio
Filed under Relationship Advice for Men
Does she even notice you’re not around anymore? It probably doesn’t seem like it since she doesn’t call or see you much. But inside her mind I can tell you that she still thinks about you
Be Careful Who You Talk to About Your Breakup
August 25, 2011 by admin
Filed under Relationship Advice for Men
It isn’t easy to keep all of your emotions bottled up inside after a breakup. Most people in this situation have a tendency to talk about their ex girlfriend to anyone who will listen, and this can be a big mistake. You don’t want to get exposed at saying one thing but doing another