Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Be Confident To Win Back Love

April 20, 2010 by  
Filed under Repairing A Broken Relationship

Getting dumped can be devastating for your self-confidence. You start to question your looks and even life in general.  It can be easy to be hard on yourself, but if you are not careful this type of self-destruction will ruin your chances of getting back your ex.

Part of the game of winning back love is proving to your ex that your life was more than just him or her.  Letting them believe they were the reason your relationship survived gives them too much power.  You need to stand tall and show them that you can live alone and succeed.

Getting out of the house and resuming your social life is a great way to attract more attention from your ex.  While they might not admit it, the more people that talk about your activities the more your ex will wonder if they made the right decision to leave you.  It is similar to celebrities, the more we see them live the glamorous life, the more we need to know what they are doing at all times.

No matter how sad you are inside, make yourself get out into the social world and at least fake having a good time.  It might be hard at first, but you will slowly build confidence in yourself.  This new sense of pride will carry over in everything you do – which will put you back on your ex’s radar.

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