Wednesday, February 19, 2025

All Breakup Excuses are Lies!

May 2, 2012 by  
Filed under Relationship Advice for Women

Anyone who has had their heart broken knows the breakup excuses I am talking about…

I need some space… This is not a good time for me… Things are moving too fast…

If you really read through these lies you get one simple message: he is not attracted to you anymore.

How can I say this with such certainty? Because real love is never contained by boundaries. Real love makes you work harder when things get tougher. Real love makes you pursue what you can’t have.

Anyone who uses the excuses listed above is a quitter. They’ve run into a dilemma and they don’t know how to deal with it. Instead of working it out, or telling you the truth, their solution is to just run away. This isn’t going to make you feel any better but sadly it is the truth.

The best thing you can do is gain motivation from the lies. Show your ex boyfriend what he is missing. Prove that your heart is worth more than the easy way out. If he won’t fight through obstacles to be with you then take the higher road.

When you succeed without him he will be there waiting for another chance. At that point you will be the one in control.

Read more from the original source:
All Breakup Excuses are Lies!

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